“How good it is to give thanks to you, O lord, to sing in your honor, O Most High God, to proclaim your constant love every morning and your faithfulness every night”. Psalm 92:1, 2.
An old legend says that one day God gave an angel two beautiful baskets. One basket was to be filled with prayer requests of his children on earth; the other, with their gratitude. At the end of the day the basket of requests was full to the brim, heavy with requests. Not so with the other basket. This one was light, with only a few notes of thanksgiving and praise. Needless to say, our heavenly Father was greatly disappointed. So many blessings he bestows upon us, yet, we are slow to recognize and thank him for them.
The book of Psalms is full of invitations to praise and thank our Lord! Why the constant reminder? We often overlook God’s many blessings to us. When we take time each morning to rejoice and praise the Lord, He will open our eyes to the wonders of his love. We will constantly have a reason to be thankful and praise God! Our basket of praise will be filled with beautiful notes of thanksgiving, and sweet tunes of praise, giving God honor and glory for the wonderful things He has done!
Do you have a prayer journal? Why not have a praise journal? In the evening, why not take some time to meditate in his goodness? Take note of how God cared and provided for you this day, how faithful he is. Your basket of praise will soon be overflowing.
My Prayer: “O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth will make known thy praise” Psalm 51:15.
(To be continued)
© Copyright Rhodi Alers de López, 2004
Totally agree with this suggestion. I think we humans thank God when the "biggees" come along, a new home, a new birth, a partner, etc...but try thanking God for the little things too. The car that runs each day, the washing machine that doesn't break down, the clerk at the store who smiles as she/he waits on you. Being grateful to God means being so ALL the time, not just when our prayers are answered. I love this site girlfriend, I will be a frequent visitor!
Queen Jaw Jaw
The Queen of Experiences
Queen, the many blessings in small or big ways make our day so much better, why not thank God for all of them? See "Just a note of praise" when you have a chance.
Thanks for stopping by! See you around soon! and God bless you!
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