Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Undefeatable Attitude

During the “Christmas in July” celebration of the Today Show in N.Y. on July 26, 2005, Katelyn Wilbanks, from Catoosa, OK was awarded a full scholarship from OU, the University of Oklahoma. This award will allow her to graduate and fulfill her dream of studying to become a physician and help other children.

This teenager has a dream that no one can take away from her. Katelyn was born with Spina-bifida, a deformity of the spine causing her mayor health problems and physical impairments; her prognosis was totally negative. But the love of her family members and her own will to survive, proved the medical community wrong, empowered her and gave her the tenacity to overcome each and every obstacle in her life. She’s endured 54 surgeries so far and lost her left leg, yet, her attitude remains positive and her smile is contagious. David L. Boren, president of the university, handed the award which covers four years of room, board, tuition, books, etc. Katelyn is currently a sophomore at her hometown’s high school,and meanwhile, the university also arranged to have Katelyn tutored from now on, so she’ll be ready to enter the University when time is due.

One can only admire and marvel at such a young life and her accomplishments so far. It is a powerful testimony to many who succumb under the tiniest amount of pressure and adversity. So much endured, yet so positive and determined to beat the odds and be of help to others!

Are you facing struggles and hardships? Are you down and ready to give up? Or are you counting your blessings amidst your trials and looking for ways to beat the odds, and better yet, make a difference in someone’s life?

Success in life is not determined by the lack of struggles and setbacks. It is determined by our will to overcome and by our positive attitude. No wonder Solomon, the wise man, said: “Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time” (Proverbs 17:22-Good News). This has proved to be true in Katelyn’s life.

Next time you feel tempted to feel sorry for yourself, remember… success is determined by our attitude, not our circumstances. Why not cheer up and dare to make a difference in someone’s life? It will certainly make a difference in your life as well.
©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005-07-26

Monday, July 25, 2005

This Beautiful Day

Beautiful days are not only sunny days with blue skies, a gentle breeze and birds singing. Rainy days have their beauty too.

Imagine you are a flower. Would you complain about the weather? Would you be grateful only for sunny days? Would you be thankful for rainy days only? Some days are just cloudy, some are rainy, some days we get scattered showers, and some are plain dry and bright. Others, the heat is just unbearable and others, the storms just keep us inside seeking shelter.

Just as flowers need all kinds of days to grow beautiful, we need a variety of weather factors to grow into the beautiful flower God intends us to be.

We usually have no problem with sunny days, when all seems to go right and life is a breeze. But, what about those other days? Let the clouds of doubts draw us to search for God’s answers. The light of the world, the Sun of righteousness keeps His light ever shining, far, beyond the clouds. Let rainy days help us draw lessons of faith and trust in our heavenly father, that we may become stronger as our roots go deeper into the word of God. Let stormy days direct us to seek shelter in his arms.

Problems, trials and sorrows are part of life. Jesus said to his followers: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me, you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”–John 16:33. Through his victory we have victory, for “we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us”-Phil. 4:13

Rain or sunshine God bestows his loving care upon each flower. The beauty of today lies in your ability to understand that he will take care of you regardless of the weather.
©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005-06-22

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Prayer of Jabez

“Lord, that You would bless me, indeed;
Enlarge my territory,
And that Your hand be with me, Lord,
From all evil keeping me,
So that I may not cause pain.”
(I Chronicles 4:10)

Lord, you see I’m not specific
For You know just what to do.
I pray- bless all my endeavors
That they may glorify you.

Open up new ways to serve You,
As you bless me, Precious Lord;
May I share your loving kindness,
Make your blessings to all known.

Please, use me as your instrument,
Make my life more meaningful
As You bless others that need you
Through my life and love for you.

I believe you have a purpose
For my life and ministry.
Grant me, Father, that I serve you,
Lovingly, whole-heartedly.

Your resources have no limits,
Open heaven’s treasures’ doors.
Pour upon my life Your Spirit,
Let me so reflect your love.

With Your hand guiding me, gently,
In whatever task I face,
This, your servant, humbly follows
For you’ve promised me your grace.

Lead me not into temptation,
Keep me from the wicked path.
Guard my soul for You’re my Savior.
Make me follow You, The Path.

Help me not to cause you sorrow,
Help me heed your voice, indeed.
Help me be a precious blessing
Instead of causing others’ defeat.

Oh, that Your hand be with me, Lord,
In everything that I do.
May my life and its endeavors
Always, Lord, glorify You!
© Rhodi Alers de López 06-17-03