Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Wrinkles Away!

“… In order to present the church to himself in all its beauty- pure and faultless, without spot or wrinkle, or any other imperfection”. Ephesians 5:27

Ironing… on a hot summer day? I wished not! But there I was, with a load of sparkling clean shirts before me, waiting to be ironed. My husband and sons needed their shirts ready, as we were to attend church early, the next morning. So without giving it much thought, I tackled the task. One by one, I carefully ironed the shirts; using steam as necessary, to smooth even the tiniest wrinkles away. Then, I hung them neatly in a rack. While I too was partaking of the heat and steam applied to the garments, I knew my family was worth it!

As I reached for a white shirt, carefully arranging it on the ironing board, I thought about our own spiritual garments. They certainly have been washed in the blood of the Lamb; for we have invited Jesus into our hearts and accepted His sacrifice in atonement for our transgressions. But that is only the beginning of our preparation. In order to be ready for his second coming, our garments must also be ironed; our characters, transformed.

Therefore, with the iron of the Holy Spirit, and through the heat and steam of trials, God carefully soothes away each and every wrinkle that our character might have. Diligently, he is preparing us for His kingdom. Every time heat is applied, a wrinkle is smoothed away. Each trial and heartache that we withstand says how important we are to our heavenly Father. He calls us to be “perfect- just as our Father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:38).

Jesus himself holds the iron in his hand. He too is partaking of the heat, so that you and I can be ready, pure and faultless, without a wrinkle or any other imperfection!

Next time you feel the heat of trials or tribulation, praise God. Cry: "Yes, Lord… smooth all my wrinkles away!"

My prayer: Lord, thank you for your Holy Spirit, which prepares my character for your kingdom. Please help me, trustingly, endure the heat while you smooth all my wrinkles away! Amen

© Copyright, Rhodi Alers de López, 2004


Rhodi Alers de López said...

Dear Vasthi:
You're very welcome to get another "HUG"- as needed! Thanks for your kind words! God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Gracias por este mensaje tan espiritual. Ojala que Dios siga planchando mis arrugas y que yo este dispuesta a aceptar su voluntad en mi vida.
