Friday, July 09, 2004

Just a note of praise!

“The world and all that is in it belong to the Lord; the earth and all who live in it are his” Psalm 24:1 (Good News Bible- Today’s English Version).

How often do we stop and meditate about this truth? Do we realize that we exist only because God chose to create us? We are not here today as a result of evolution. Our heavenly Father created the universe. This earth was designed with humankind in mind. It was lovingly prepared step by step. When everything we needed was in place he, fearfully and wonderfully, created man.

Life itself is a wonderful gift that we enjoy without stopping to consider. He provides shelter, food, work, friends, our abilities and so much more! He gives us all we have. Yet, many times, we choose to live as ungrateful children, who think they don’t owe much to their parents. We often fail to acknowledge God’s involvement in our everyday life and don’t recognize his many blessings.

The psalmist reminds us: “Praise the Lord, my soul! All my being, praise his holy name! Praise the Lord, my soul, and do not forget how kind he is” (Psalm 103:1-2). Only when we fully understand and recognize that all we have comes from our heavenly Father’s hand, will we be able to, wholeheartedly, praise him as he deserves. So, praise the Lord with a cheerful heart! His blessings are without end.

Prayer and Praise:
Father, today I want to praise you! Thank you for creating me and giving me life. I understand that all I have is a gift from you. Above all, I thank you for the privilege of knowing YOU and the salvation you provided through Jesus Christ. I thank you for the Bible, the Living Word, which helps us know you better.

Although I am so undeserving, every morning you renew your many blessings upon me. And I praise you with all my heart. Help me to be aware each day of your kindness and share it with others for the glory of your name. Give me a thankful heart I pray, precious Lord. Amen.

©Copyright, Rhodi Alers de López, 2004

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