Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Why are you weary and thus, heavy laden
When Jesus has promised to carry your burden?

Why are you saddened and living in sorrow
when Jesus has promised a better tomorrow?

Why are you fearful and walking in darkness
When Jesus is light and in Him you’ll not wander?

Why are you hungry and needy and thirsty
When He provides water and bread, everlasting?

Bring Him your burdens. Believe in His goodness.
Come, walk in His light and you’ll feast in His mercies.

For His Word has promised to those that’ll trust Him
That all things work out for the good of His children.

Sing out your praises for He is trustworthy!
The Lord is your guide-light. Rejoice in your journey!

©Rhodi Alers de López, 2002


Anonymous said...

The reason why we are weary is we just don't choose to fully belive God's wonderful promises!

Donna J. Shepherd said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Rhodi Alers de López said...

Donna, Glad you enjoyed. I accidentally erased the comment-oops, SORRY! Please forgive me.

Toni Star said...

Loved this poem! The wording is beautiful and to the point.

Poetry helps calm the soul; I appreciate a well-worded poem.

Rhodi Alers de López said...

Thanks, Toni. Please keep me in your prayers, that the Lord may use me in his service. I love your words... "Poetry calms the soul"...