Thursday, July 22, 2004

The empty nest

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven… So I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive. We should eat and drink and enjoy what we have worked for. It is God’s gift”. Ecclesiastes 3:1, 12-13.

It seems only yesterday I was changing diapers. I remember the toddler years, the first day of school, the report cards, the walks in the park, the games… Life goes by so fast! Now, the teenage years are here and sooner or later, the kids will move on. In a short time, they will spread their wings and fly away.

Some kids are more anxious than others for that moment to arrive. In other instances, parents may be vehemently wishing for that day. Whether kids and/or parents look forward to that day or not, we must face it: a season has passed, another begun; and with it come unavoidable changes.

While the father is also affected, changes usually have a more intense effect in the mother, as the primary caregiver. Suddenly, she faces an empty nest, and what now is her reality sinks in: There is no one to care for, no one to look after for, and no one to need her. Sooner or later the question hits hard: What am I here for? What am I supposed to do?

Depending on my overall attitude toward life, I can look at the glass and find it half empty or half full. I can choose to get nostalgic, depressed, and lonely or I can look at this situation in a positive way, “throw a party” and make the best of my days.

As hard as it is for me to see them go, there is a “season for everything”. I must not stop living! An empty nest doesn’t need to be the end of my motivation. It can fuel and fire me up and help me reach new heights left unexplored. For couples, it can be a time of renewal, a time to grow closer to each other, a time to “fall in love” all over again.

I believe at this stage mothers need to take more time for ourselves and pursue our own goals too. Yes! We too need to fly again, why not? With all the expertise that raising and caring for a family puts under our belts, we have much to offer. Why not use it positively, to help others in some way? That alone, will take our mind off the loneliness that may be lurking around to cloud our days.

I'm sure my kids would love to see me succeed in whatever I decide to invest my energy in. Why not reach for the stars and dare to live some more? Why not learn some new skills, pursue my own dreams (whatever they may be), and share the love inside me with others around me? Why not surround myself with friends and reach out to make a difference in someone’s life?

I have the power to choose. My glass is not half empty, but half full. I can fill it with productivity or I can fill it with grief.

The empty nest is just a part of the cycle of life. And a mother will always be a mother. Thou for some it may be easier than for others; we can plan ahead and strive to continue to live a positive and meaningful life that inspires others and our own kids too!

Are you preparing for the empty nest? Are you experiencing it already? Each day is a new challenge, a gift from God. Greet it with thanksgiving! Make the best of it and fly! See the beauty of it all? Now, that wasn’t so bad after all, was it? Wondering why it took you so long to spread YOUR wings and fly?

Dear heavenly father: I know you care for my children, no matter what the season may be. Each season has a beauty of its own. I am thankful for the time you have given me to nurture my family. As they spread their wings and fly I know that you will keep them safe. Help them reach new heights that bring them closer to you. And may I too soar, for the glory of your name.

©Rhodi Alers de López, 2004

Friday, July 16, 2004

"Be Still"- A sweet reminder

“Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth” Psalm 46:10.

As a woman, I consider it a privilege to be a mom. Have you seen the energy the kids have? They can go on and on for the longest time, without realizing they need some kind of rest. Many a parent has told a child: “Please, be still.” It’s the plea of parents all over the world. But mom… why? -is their usual whine. Parents know best! We understand it is beneficial for kids to stop for a while and be calm; not because activity isn’t good, but because we all need some time to relax, to recuperate from the strenuous activities that wear us down.

Our father knows what is best too. He knows how much we need solitude and rest, even when we are not willing to recognize it. In the constant hustle and bustle of our daily lives, our heavenly Father calls for us to be still: He calls us to be still, that we may know him better and understand that he is in control. He calls us to sit at his feet and listen to his words of wisdom and encouragement. He invites us to be still and rest in him, to rely on him and to trust him. He asks us to be still to let the Holy Spirit work in our lives; be still, that we may praise him and exalt his name.

Bring unto him your concerns, worries, your questions without answers, your needs or anything that troubles you. Accept his invitation to be still and trust him. You will see that he, lovingly, cares for you in a very special way. Alone, in the stillness of God’s presence, you will get to know him so well, that your doubts and worries will vanish. In the stillness of his presence you will be safe from the troubles around you. Be still and know that God is with you. The Captain of the heavenly host is on your side. He is your refuge. Praise him in the stillness of his presence and your life will be renewed and strengthened. Give honor and glory to his name and testify that he is Lord! Your life will never be the same, for the Lord is your God. He knows you and you know him.

“Be still and know that I am God…” what a sweet reminder of his loving care for me!

My prayer: Thank you, dear Father, for loving me and reminding me to take time to know you better each day. Thank you for reminding me that you are in control of my life. All my cares I leave in your hands. You are my refuge, my Savior, my God and I praise your name. Amen

©Rhodi Alers de López, 2002

Friday, July 09, 2004

Just a note of praise!

“The world and all that is in it belong to the Lord; the earth and all who live in it are his” Psalm 24:1 (Good News Bible- Today’s English Version).

How often do we stop and meditate about this truth? Do we realize that we exist only because God chose to create us? We are not here today as a result of evolution. Our heavenly Father created the universe. This earth was designed with humankind in mind. It was lovingly prepared step by step. When everything we needed was in place he, fearfully and wonderfully, created man.

Life itself is a wonderful gift that we enjoy without stopping to consider. He provides shelter, food, work, friends, our abilities and so much more! He gives us all we have. Yet, many times, we choose to live as ungrateful children, who think they don’t owe much to their parents. We often fail to acknowledge God’s involvement in our everyday life and don’t recognize his many blessings.

The psalmist reminds us: “Praise the Lord, my soul! All my being, praise his holy name! Praise the Lord, my soul, and do not forget how kind he is” (Psalm 103:1-2). Only when we fully understand and recognize that all we have comes from our heavenly Father’s hand, will we be able to, wholeheartedly, praise him as he deserves. So, praise the Lord with a cheerful heart! His blessings are without end.

Prayer and Praise:
Father, today I want to praise you! Thank you for creating me and giving me life. I understand that all I have is a gift from you. Above all, I thank you for the privilege of knowing YOU and the salvation you provided through Jesus Christ. I thank you for the Bible, the Living Word, which helps us know you better.

Although I am so undeserving, every morning you renew your many blessings upon me. And I praise you with all my heart. Help me to be aware each day of your kindness and share it with others for the glory of your name. Give me a thankful heart I pray, precious Lord. Amen.

©Copyright, Rhodi Alers de López, 2004

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Why are you weary and thus, heavy laden
When Jesus has promised to carry your burden?

Why are you saddened and living in sorrow
when Jesus has promised a better tomorrow?

Why are you fearful and walking in darkness
When Jesus is light and in Him you’ll not wander?

Why are you hungry and needy and thirsty
When He provides water and bread, everlasting?

Bring Him your burdens. Believe in His goodness.
Come, walk in His light and you’ll feast in His mercies.

For His Word has promised to those that’ll trust Him
That all things work out for the good of His children.

Sing out your praises for He is trustworthy!
The Lord is your guide-light. Rejoice in your journey!

©Rhodi Alers de López, 2002

Friday, July 02, 2004

A Basket of Praise-2

“Delight yourself also in the Lord: and he shall give you the desires of your heart”. Psalm 37:4

Have you started making a list of blessings or reasons to be thankful and praise God for? How long is it? Do you find yourself constantly adding to it? As we realize God’s never-ending blessings, we learn to praise him more and request less. As we praise our heavenly Father, we make ourselves fully aware of his greatness, his power, his love and kindness.

Now, Matthew assures us that God already knows our needs before we ask him (Mat. 6:8, 32). So, what about the Prayer Request Basket? Is there really a need for it? Why does God invite us to ask, seek and knock? (Mat. 7:7-8). By asking, waiting and having our request fulfilled, we learn to trust God day by day. That, in turn, will cause us to praise and thank him even more. And on goes the cycle of praise!

Now, remember: God invites us to ask! That is why he gave us so many promises. He wants us to ask and trust that he will answer! But he also reminds us to be thankful and not take his many blessings for granted!

While the praise basket gets heavier, the request basket seems to get lighter! How is this accomplished? We learn to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. We trust Him to supply all our needs (Mat. 6: 33). Our priorities are now in order and our main concern is to please our Father. He takes care of your request basket for he knows your needs. He will give you the desires of your heart! Not because you praise him, but because you surrendered to him in praise and thanksgiving. You chose to trust him and he is a trustworthy, loving and wonderful Father.

How do your baskets look today? Are you “delighting yourself in the Lord”? Consider his wonders and rejoice in his goodness. Fill your basket with praise and thanksgiving for God is good!

My prayer: Father, I worship and surrender myself unto thee. I praise you and exalt your holy name. I thank you for all the wonderful things that you have done and what still is to come. Help me be an instrument of praise unto your name. This I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.

©Copyright, Rhodi Alers de López, 2004

Thursday, July 01, 2004

A Basket of Praise-1

“How good it is to give thanks to you, O lord, to sing in your honor, O Most High God, to proclaim your constant love every morning and your faithfulness every night”. Psalm 92:1, 2.

An old legend says that one day God gave an angel two beautiful baskets. One basket was to be filled with prayer requests of his children on earth; the other, with their gratitude. At the end of the day the basket of requests was full to the brim, heavy with requests. Not so with the other basket. This one was light, with only a few notes of thanksgiving and praise. Needless to say, our heavenly Father was greatly disappointed. So many blessings he bestows upon us, yet, we are slow to recognize and thank him for them.

The book of Psalms is full of invitations to praise and thank our Lord! Why the constant reminder? We often overlook God’s many blessings to us. When we take time each morning to rejoice and praise the Lord, He will open our eyes to the wonders of his love. We will constantly have a reason to be thankful and praise God! Our basket of praise will be filled with beautiful notes of thanksgiving, and sweet tunes of praise, giving God honor and glory for the wonderful things He has done!

Do you have a prayer journal? Why not have a praise journal? In the evening, why not take some time to meditate in his goodness? Take note of how God cared and provided for you this day, how faithful he is. Your basket of praise will soon be overflowing.

My Prayer: “O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth will make known thy praise” Psalm 51:15.
(To be continued)

© Copyright Rhodi Alers de López, 2004