Monday, December 12, 2005

A Christmas prayer

For broken homes and broken lives,
For those who’ve never seen the Light,
For little ones and old alike,
For those who have no hope in sight…

Oh Lord, please, bless and touch each one
And help us help with humble hearts
And share the blessings you impart
That they may know they’re in your heart.

How will they know if we don’t go?
How will they have if we don’t give?
Help us each day to do our share
So they may know you and believe.

Christmas: a blessing to the world,
Because you gave yourself, for us;
Make us a vessel of your love
Sharing hope with those around us.

Let Christmas be a guiding light
To share with others the delight
Of knowing peace and love within.
‘Cause Jesus set us free from sin.

The Christmas spirit is to give
So let us give comfort, relief,
and share and give and then, receive…
for giving does comes back to give.

©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005-12-12

Merry Christmas! The more we share... the merrier it will be!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A perfect Christmas

"This very day in David's town your Savior was born-Christ the Lord!" Luke 2:11

Christmas, the celebration of Jesus' birth is beautiful. Do you have a Christmas dream? Do you wish for Christmas to be extra special? Do you have a wish list? If so, perhaps it includes the gifts that you’d like to receive and those you want to give.

How would you describe the perfect Christmas? Snowy? The brightest star and lots of handmade ornaments on your tree? Lots of family gathered 'round the tree singing christmas carols? Gifts of every size, color and shape? A table full of goodies?

Have you considered Jesus' wish list for this Christmas? He has a dream and you and I can help it become true:

I’m dreaming of Christmas

I’m dreaming of a star lit Christmas.
Will Bethlehem’s Star shine bright
in every person’s heart,
embellishing mankind?

I’m dreaming of a warm Christmas.
Will you extend the blanket of love,
and lend a hand to cover
the countless needy souls?

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.
Let peace and understanding
wipe glooms of conflict and hatred.
Let hearts be conquered by caring.

I’m dreaming of a joyful Christmas.
Will you leave resentments behind
and to those who have wronged you,
be instead gentle and kind?

I’m dreaming of a special Christmas.
Let your heart be a manger,
let your soul be a throne
for the child God, the Savior.

I’m dreaming of a beautiful Christmas
like it is meant to be:
Hearts united, rejoicing,
living lives that reflect me!

I’m pleading while dreaming of Christmas.
Will you make my dream come true?

the reason for the season.
Each of us can make a difference this Christmas season and each day. Let your heart be a vessel, a recipient of heavenly peace, so it overflows to others in blessings of joy and understanding. He's counting on you and me to make his dream come true. Are you up to the challenge?
Let's do our part that he too may have a perfect Christmas. It'll make your Christmas perfect too... the happiest ever, I'm sure!
©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005-11-28

Monday, November 21, 2005

Giving thanks… for blessings by the bushel!

It’s that time of the year again: the month in which many think “turkey, apple pie, big dinner, family gatherings, Christmas shopping”, etc.

For many, it is the one-time-a-year when they will actually “give thanks” to the Lord for his blessings.

I’ve learned to thank God each day, for every morning his blessings are renewed. But when I look back, at the beginning of the year, I certainly have blessings by the bushel for which to praise the Lord in a very special way. It’s been a very productive year in this ministry and I thank God for that.

Here I share just a few blessings, which I consider milestones for the glory of God:

-The release of my Cd: “Me faltan palabras” (My words are insufficient to say Thank you).

-The publication of my first book- “Suspiros del Alma… poesía, reflexiones y más” (“Sighs of the soul… poetry, reflections and more”).

-The publication of 10 of my devotionals in the 2005 women’s devotional book-“Voces del corazón”-Voices from the heart.

-Monitoring the prayer request in the Boomer Women Speak forum.

-God granted me the opportunity of presenting a workshop for other women interested in writing devotionals in various churches in MA.

-The creation of my website:

-My promotion trip to Puerto Rico was a great blessing, and a dream come true!

-Sharing my testimony there with so many is a plus!

Stemming from my trip to Puerto Rico, I was able to get in touch with my college-days friend. Nothing happens by coincidence. Our heavenly Father has a purpose for everything and I pray it proves to be a blessing in her life.

I was also able to meet the angel who prepared my mother’s baby shower before my twin sister and I were born. What a blessing!

I had the opportunity to give the devotional writing workshop in P.R. About 40 women attended this event. To see their enthusiasm and eagerness to write and share their testimony is a blessing in itself. It is my prayer that the Lord uses them to inspire others.

-Life, family, health, resources, friends, church family, salvation, and the way God cares for each detail of my life are just a few of the daily blessings by the bushel.

-The apostle Paul encourages us be thankful in all circumstances (I Thessalonians 5:18). I also need to give thanks for each trial, each problem, each disappointment and each stone in the way. They’ve become blessings in disguise. I sing to the Lord, because each trouble brought me to the Source of Help: Jesus, the ever present Help in times of need and He's never failed!

None of the blessings received I deserved. The glory and honor belong to my King, my Friend, and my Father, who so lovingly bestows his mercies on me.

For this and more “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the wonderful things you have done. I will sing with joy because of YOU. I will sing praise to you, Almighty God” Psalm 9:1, 2.
©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005-11-21

Thursday, September 08, 2005

My Lord is the best!

Last night I talked to my heavenly father.
-Dear Lord, my cares seem so insignificant next to what our fellow citizens in the gulf coast are going through, I almost feel ashamed!
-But I take interest in your struggles too. You don’t need to feel ashamed to bring them to me.
-Thank you, Lord. Please, help me rest and leave it all in your hands.
Tears rolled down my cheeks. My pillow witnessed my silent struggle. But God gave me rest.

Today I was facing new challenges. After my personal time with God, I went about my daily duties trying not to think or be overwhelmed with these issues over which I have no control, and trying to focus on the blessings and God's promises.

The day went on, slowly. My mind was stirring up questions for which I had no answers.
-Lord, I need your help. I am not about to give up, but I can’t do this alone.
-You’re not alone. I am with you!

I tuned in to the Christian radio station in Puerto Rico -through the internet-and ... just as I turned the volume dial up, my theme song started to play: its translation says "My words are insufficient as I try to say thank you!” Praise the Lord! I had no choice but to sing along. The words just seemed to flow praising God. My troubles seemed so small!

A few minutes later, at the beginning of one of my favorite radio programs, the Scripture read reassured me that God is in control and that he cares for each and every detail of my life. Praise Him again!

I finally reached a friend on the phone, who heard me trying to sing a tune.
-Are you writing a song or just singing to avoid crying?
This friend seems to know me all too well.

-No, I'm just singing to avoid crying. I can be honest with you.
-Oh, I thought you had a new melody...
-It's been a while since I write a song.

As soon as I hung up the phone I started singing and writing a new song. It was a breeze, for God is great!!! I reached for my Bible and the words that inspired me were highlighted, of course.

I now have it in Spanish and also in English! I just have to praise the Lord over and over.

"I am with you"- is the theme of my song, based on Isaiah 41:13, 43:2.
The Lord is just so great. I am amazed by His kindness and mercy!
No trouble is too small or too great for our Heavenly Father. His love covers all. His arms are strong enough to carry your burden and mine. His ear is listening to each and every cry for help and He is there for you and me. He is there, in the midst of devastated homes and families, and he is with me also. He has time to soothe a broken heart, to comfort the weary, to heal the wounded and to rejoice with those who praise him. He is God, ever present, ever caring, forever bringing joy and hope even in the bleakest circumstances that we may face. My Lord and God is the best!
©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005-09-08

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Undefeatable Attitude

During the “Christmas in July” celebration of the Today Show in N.Y. on July 26, 2005, Katelyn Wilbanks, from Catoosa, OK was awarded a full scholarship from OU, the University of Oklahoma. This award will allow her to graduate and fulfill her dream of studying to become a physician and help other children.

This teenager has a dream that no one can take away from her. Katelyn was born with Spina-bifida, a deformity of the spine causing her mayor health problems and physical impairments; her prognosis was totally negative. But the love of her family members and her own will to survive, proved the medical community wrong, empowered her and gave her the tenacity to overcome each and every obstacle in her life. She’s endured 54 surgeries so far and lost her left leg, yet, her attitude remains positive and her smile is contagious. David L. Boren, president of the university, handed the award which covers four years of room, board, tuition, books, etc. Katelyn is currently a sophomore at her hometown’s high school,and meanwhile, the university also arranged to have Katelyn tutored from now on, so she’ll be ready to enter the University when time is due.

One can only admire and marvel at such a young life and her accomplishments so far. It is a powerful testimony to many who succumb under the tiniest amount of pressure and adversity. So much endured, yet so positive and determined to beat the odds and be of help to others!

Are you facing struggles and hardships? Are you down and ready to give up? Or are you counting your blessings amidst your trials and looking for ways to beat the odds, and better yet, make a difference in someone’s life?

Success in life is not determined by the lack of struggles and setbacks. It is determined by our will to overcome and by our positive attitude. No wonder Solomon, the wise man, said: “Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time” (Proverbs 17:22-Good News). This has proved to be true in Katelyn’s life.

Next time you feel tempted to feel sorry for yourself, remember… success is determined by our attitude, not our circumstances. Why not cheer up and dare to make a difference in someone’s life? It will certainly make a difference in your life as well.
©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005-07-26

Monday, July 25, 2005

This Beautiful Day

Beautiful days are not only sunny days with blue skies, a gentle breeze and birds singing. Rainy days have their beauty too.

Imagine you are a flower. Would you complain about the weather? Would you be grateful only for sunny days? Would you be thankful for rainy days only? Some days are just cloudy, some are rainy, some days we get scattered showers, and some are plain dry and bright. Others, the heat is just unbearable and others, the storms just keep us inside seeking shelter.

Just as flowers need all kinds of days to grow beautiful, we need a variety of weather factors to grow into the beautiful flower God intends us to be.

We usually have no problem with sunny days, when all seems to go right and life is a breeze. But, what about those other days? Let the clouds of doubts draw us to search for God’s answers. The light of the world, the Sun of righteousness keeps His light ever shining, far, beyond the clouds. Let rainy days help us draw lessons of faith and trust in our heavenly father, that we may become stronger as our roots go deeper into the word of God. Let stormy days direct us to seek shelter in his arms.

Problems, trials and sorrows are part of life. Jesus said to his followers: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me, you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”–John 16:33. Through his victory we have victory, for “we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us”-Phil. 4:13

Rain or sunshine God bestows his loving care upon each flower. The beauty of today lies in your ability to understand that he will take care of you regardless of the weather.
©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005-06-22

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Prayer of Jabez

“Lord, that You would bless me, indeed;
Enlarge my territory,
And that Your hand be with me, Lord,
From all evil keeping me,
So that I may not cause pain.”
(I Chronicles 4:10)

Lord, you see I’m not specific
For You know just what to do.
I pray- bless all my endeavors
That they may glorify you.

Open up new ways to serve You,
As you bless me, Precious Lord;
May I share your loving kindness,
Make your blessings to all known.

Please, use me as your instrument,
Make my life more meaningful
As You bless others that need you
Through my life and love for you.

I believe you have a purpose
For my life and ministry.
Grant me, Father, that I serve you,
Lovingly, whole-heartedly.

Your resources have no limits,
Open heaven’s treasures’ doors.
Pour upon my life Your Spirit,
Let me so reflect your love.

With Your hand guiding me, gently,
In whatever task I face,
This, your servant, humbly follows
For you’ve promised me your grace.

Lead me not into temptation,
Keep me from the wicked path.
Guard my soul for You’re my Savior.
Make me follow You, The Path.

Help me not to cause you sorrow,
Help me heed your voice, indeed.
Help me be a precious blessing
Instead of causing others’ defeat.

Oh, that Your hand be with me, Lord,
In everything that I do.
May my life and its endeavors
Always, Lord, glorify You!
© Rhodi Alers de López 06-17-03

Saturday, June 18, 2005

To a special man

Honor thy father and thy mother. Exodus 20:12

May comes and goes with celebrations for mom in many ways. Certainly, she ought to receive our love and admiration for all she does. Words will probably never be enough to describe her never-ending task of nurturing and caring for her offspring.

But there is a special person who also deserves our love, recognition, admiration and our gratitude. This person is usually overshadowed by the glamour that revolves around Mother’s day and remains in quiet longing for some gratitude and appreciation from the ones he works so hard to provide a home, and all their needs for. He is a person whose way of showing love differs from that of mom, but whose love is unmeasured.

That special man is dad. Fathers are special people. My father was a blessing in my life. Thou he lived a short life, he is still impacting mine. He was a loving husband, a caring father, a diligent worker and a man of his word. His way of disciplining and his example go a long way. I thank God for the privilege of having an awesome father. Awesome, because through his life, he showed us what it means to love God and one another.

I thank God for fathers who strive to be the best example they can be for their kids, for fathers who provide not only financial stability, but emotional and spiritual stability too. I thank God for fathers, who not only discipline, but who also become friends with their kids; fathers who fear not to acknowledge they have made mistakes, fathers who will
love unconditionally and inspire their family with understanding, forgiveness and acceptance.

One day is not enough to show and express gratitude and admiration for a father’s role and contribution to his family and community. But it is certainly appropriate to recognize the great importance of their role and how much a good father is appreciated. It is a blessing to have a caring father and I am blessed with the memories of a godly father.

To all the fathers that do their best and have done the best, to all the fathers that make life worthwhile… thanks from the bottom of my heart. May God bless each and every father with wisdom to do what is right for your family. May God give you his blessing and may you have a very, very happy father’s day. And thou you may not be perfect, may your day be perfect to celebrate what you are: a father, a special man.

©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005, 06-17

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Reflections on a mother's day

It was back in 1907 that Ana Jarvis started campaigning to celebrate mother's day as a national holiday. In 1914, president Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second sunday of may the national day for such celebrations.

But why do we celebrate mother's day and when do we celebrate? Do we celebrate because everybody else does? Do we really celebrate what ought to be such an important date in our calendar?

Mother's day is just one of the days to celebrate a mother's love, compassion, perseverance, longsuffering, etc. I celebrate my mother every time I have the opportunity to call, write or see her. My mom is a precious gift from God and I cherish her dearly. I don't wait for mother's day to come, for mother's day should be every day of the life God grants her. I try to stay in contact often. (She lives in Puerto Rico). I always try to thank her and let her know how important she is and how much I appreciate her ways, her special touch, her love and understanding.

As for gifts... what her heart desires is to be appreciated and loved. No fancy gift will ever replace the joy a grateful and loving child can bring to her heart. All she wants is our gratitude, our love.

As I recall days gone by, I thank God for a mother who has put her trust in the Lord and, thus, shown me by example that it is better to put my trust in Him than in silver or gold. I can truly priase God for giving me a virtuous woman, a woman who serves the Lord with gladness and unwavering faith.

May God bless each mother in her wonderful and challenging task!
©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005-05-08

Friday, May 06, 2005

A mother's love

A mother’s love is like a fountain
Which never ceases to give life.
A mother’s love will guide you safely
Through life’s most dark and stormy nights.

A mother’s love is like an ocean
So deep and wide that it can bear
Our joys and sorrows, tears and laughter.
To her love no other’s compare.

A mother’s love is like the sunshine
That casts away our doubts and fears.
It shines so bright that brings new beauty
To simple things, my mother dear!

©Rhodi Alers de López, 2002

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A treasure, where?

Ever been on a treasure hunt? How far would you travel to find it? What would you do if you found you have a treasure? Would you be willing to go to extreme measures to safeguard it? I’m sure when it comes to a treasure you’d rather be safe than sorry, right?

Not many people realize the treasure they own, therefore not safeguarding it. Many realize it just too late in their life to do much about it.

Are you on a treasure hunt? Search no more. You and I have been given a treasure by our Creator. The treasure chest is our body; the treasure, our health. It is our duty to safeguard it, following the instructions of our Creator, that we may live happy and prosperous lives.

Why are many treating their treasure so carelessly? We know there are certain things we should avoid such as meats, fat, too many carbohydrates, etc. We also know of certain things we should do such as drinking more water, exercising regularly, eating more fruits and vegetables, avoiding smoking, drinking, and the list goes on. What are we waiting for?

Need some encouragement? Just visit any hospital. I guarantee it’s not a pretty sight unless you’re visiting the maternity ward. The rest is just mind boggling. Are we just taking our health for granted? Once we loose this precious, incomparable treasure, our life will never be the same.

Need extra encouragement? Look at the huge hospital bills just for spending a few hours in the emergency room? Wouldn’t you rather spend your money differently?

Our Creator is more than willing to help us stick to a plan that will ensure our health and happiness. He longs to see us in good health, both physically and spiritually. “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your souls prospers”-3 John 2.

Have you been sick lately? Consider it a “wake-up call” and start safeguarding the precious treasure of your health! “Better safe than sorry”, right? Your treasure is well worth it!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Love is in the air!

“Dear friends: let us love one another, because love comes from God”.
I John 4:7 (Good News Bible).

The month of February is dedicated to promoting love and friendship in all sorts of ways. The most precious gifts that human souls can share are extremely commercialized. By January, the stores put away all decorations and accessories related to the holidays and stack their shelves with all kinds of giftware, greeting cards, flowers, candy, fancy gift wraps… anything that will entice buyers to show someone how much they care. Even the little ones in school are prompted to give valentine cards to their classmates. Co-workers often do the same. Sadly, for many, Valentine’s Day becomes a show-off day instead of a “show your love” day. Still, some go to great lengths to find that special gift, the right moment and the special words to show their feelings.

But often, as soon as February 14th slips by, so do those expressions of love, kindness and friendship. Many lonely hearts await a word or an act of true love and/or friendship. Countless family members yearn for the affection of their relatives. Couples, families, friends are busy with the hustle and bustle of every day life and rarely stop to smell the roses and enjoy and nourish what they take for granted. Some quiet their conscience by getting expensive gifts on that special day and do very little the rest of the year to show they care; thus the loneliness in this world, and the longing for some real love and understanding.

Yes, it’s great to shower our loved ones with gifts and all kinds of goodies on Valentine’s Day. But it is often the little things done on a regular basis that matter the most. Often a smile, a hug, a simple call, helping with simple chores or just a loving note can cheer them up and let them know how much we care. Love is the greatest gift of all and it is meant to be shared. Never take it for granted. Never leave for tomorrow the good you can do today. Never underestimate the power of the simple things. They can brighten someone’s day, even save a life. They will brighten your life too, for the love and friendship you give out multiplies somehow and will go round and round!

Let love fill the air… on February and all through the year! Let love be your weapon to combat loneliness and despair. Be a love warrior today and every day and show someone you care!

©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005

Monday, January 10, 2005

A New Year's Prayer

A New Year’s Prayer

As the twinkling lights of Christmas trees
Around us begin to dim
May Jesus Christ, the Light of the world,
Shine bright, in our hearts, within;
Bringing every day of the New Year
Love and peace, ever flowing.

May we treat all with understanding,
With compassion and respect.
Then every day will be a blessing
For ourselves and for the rest.
Oh, dear Jesus, please, make it happen…
Make this New Year just the best!

©Rhodi Alers de López, 2003