It’s that time of the year again: the month in which many think “turkey, apple pie, big dinner, family gatherings, Christmas shopping”, etc.
For many, it is the one-time-a-year when they will actually “give thanks” to the Lord for his blessings.
I’ve learned to thank God each day, for every morning his blessings are renewed. But when I look back, at the beginning of the year, I certainly have blessings by the bushel for which to praise the Lord in a very special way. It’s been a very productive year in this ministry and I thank God for that.
Here I share just a few blessings, which I consider milestones for the glory of God:
-The release of my Cd: “Me faltan palabras” (My words are insufficient to say Thank you).
-The publication of my first book- “Suspiros del Alma… poesía, reflexiones y más” (“Sighs of the soul… poetry, reflections and more”).
-The publication of 10 of my devotionals in the 2005 women’s devotional book-“Voces del corazón”-Voices from the heart.
-Monitoring the prayer request in the Boomer Women Speak forum.
-God granted me the opportunity of presenting a workshop for other women interested in writing devotionals in various churches in MA.
-The creation of my website: www.expressionpublishingministries.com.
-My promotion trip to Puerto Rico was a great blessing, and a dream come true!
-Sharing my testimony there with so many is a plus!
Stemming from my trip to Puerto Rico, I was able to get in touch with my college-days friend. Nothing happens by coincidence. Our heavenly Father has a purpose for everything and I pray it proves to be a blessing in her life.
I was also able to meet the angel who prepared my mother’s baby shower before my twin sister and I were born. What a blessing!
I had the opportunity to give the devotional writing workshop in P.R. About 40 women attended this event. To see their enthusiasm and eagerness to write and share their testimony is a blessing in itself. It is my prayer that the Lord uses them to inspire others.
-Life, family, health, resources, friends, church family, salvation, and the way God cares for each detail of my life are just a few of the daily blessings by the bushel.
-The apostle Paul encourages us be thankful in all circumstances (I Thessalonians 5:18). I also need to give thanks for each trial, each problem, each disappointment and each stone in the way. They’ve become blessings in disguise. I sing to the Lord, because each trouble brought me to the Source of Help: Jesus, the ever present Help in times of need and He's never failed!
None of the blessings received I deserved. The glory and honor belong to my King, my Friend, and my Father, who so lovingly bestows his mercies on me.
For this and more “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the wonderful things you have done. I will sing with joy because of YOU. I will sing praise to you, Almighty God” Psalm 9:1, 2.
©Rhodi Alers de López, 2005-11-21
Rhodi, I think you are a wonderful example of someone who practices "Thanks Living"!
Happy Thanksgiving, I am thankful to know you :)
What a wonderful post this is--showing how God blesses and gives to those who love and follow Him!
Love all of your sites and am blest being your friend and sister in Christ.
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