Dear Friend: Smile! God loves you!
Imagine you are looking at a prescription bottle label, heaven sent.
Rx #: 7774Ever........................................................Dr. Jesus Christ
Your name goes here_____________________
Take 1 capsule Prn= (as needed) throughout day or night.
HUGS... 777 mg. each capsule.....................................Qty. 144,000
No expiration date. Unlimited Refills
Please, feel free to share this prescription with those you care for.
Be advised that the world will be a better place if this Rx is shared.
Common Side effects may include, but are not limited to joy, enthusiasm and overall sense of belonging. Tender expressions of love are common among patients using this prescription.
Do not stop medicine without your Dr's consent.
Adverse reactions may occur if discontinued suddenly.
Need a hug today? I've included the link so you can get a hug whenever you need one. They are free, just like all the good things that come from our heavenly father.
Hope this brightens your day!
Lots of love...
©Rhodi Alers de López 2004
Clever, Rhodi! Thanks for sharing. - Donna
Love this! Am printing up more of these for the holiday season...
Thank you for a wonderful piece of advice!
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