Have you ever found yourself burdened and short of time to accomplish your tasks? I surely have! Seems like the days get shorter and shorter by the minute! And it has nothing to do with the daylight savings change-of-time or winter itself... In Matthew 24, as Jesus described the signs of his second coming to his friends, he warned them about the days becoming shorter for the sake of those who love him: “If the time had not been made short, no life would have been saved. Because of God's people the time will be made short”- Matthew 24:22, New Life Version.
And the apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians: “So be careful how you live. Live as men who are wise and not foolish. Make the best use of your time. These are sinful days. Do not be foolish. Understand what the Lord wants you to do”-Ephesians 5:5-17, New Life Version.
Balancing full-time office work, a ministry, church responsibilities and household responsibilities, I've found myself in the need of making a To-do-list in order to use time wisely and accomplish the most urgent tasks in my super busy day. But I find that spending time with my Creator early in the day, enables me to accomplish far more than other days, regardless of the challenges I face. So "Devotional time" remains #1 on my list. Even thou I consider it more of a privilege than a task, scheduling time for it keeps me on track and eases my day. It surely works wonders!No matter what is on my "To-do" list today, setting time aside for my Creator and friend gives me the cutting edge! I invite you to try it! It may save your day too!
©Rhodi Alers de López, 2006-11-15
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