Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Thanksgiving... Every Day

I Want To Be Grateful

Oh, Lord, I want to be grateful
For great and little things alike:
For morning breeze and yellow daffodils,
For darkness, as well as for light.

Oh, Lord, help me to be mindful
Of all the things that others do
To brighten my life in big and small ways,
For they are blessings from above.

Oh, Lord, I want to be thankful
Regardless of what this day brings.
For I have trusted in your mercies, Lord,
And I know that you are with me.

©Rhodi Alers de López, 2002


Donna J. Shepherd said...

Rhodi, I want to be thankful, too! Thanks for a lovely poem.

Devotionals by Donna

Anonymous said...

Beautiful poem, Rhodi! Your poem reminds me the importance of being thankful, no matter the situation.
