Another year, another celebration of love. Once more the calendar marks February 14th- Valentine's day.
My lips, softly and tenderly kissed my loved ones this morning, wishing them a blessed day, as they awoke. I made sure they enjoyed a warm breakfast, before heading out in the bitter cold to face another work day.
Now, alone with my thoughts in the refuge of our home, I reflect on the moments and days gone by... the blessings, the challenges, the difficult situations I've encountered along the way and the resolutions to be more loving, more like Jesus. I reflect on the many instances I've not accomplished my goal, and the countless times I've faltered. The scene is not as bright as it ought.
In the wee hours of the morning I spoke to my friend, Jesus.
—Oh, how I wish to be more like you!—I whispered.
—I'm willing to help!
—Please do, Lord! I need you desperately or I'll fail.
Ever felt like you try and you try but you fail? If so, you get the picture.
I ponder the countless hearts that are out there... in the cold winter of their life, longing for love and tenderness, hungering compassion, searching for a helping hand, for a word of hope. I'm sure you've noticed them too. It seems unfair to learn about so many in dire need of the bare necessities of life. Multitudes are homeless; others face illnesses. Some have no hope for a better future. While you and I might not be able to change the lives of many, I'm certain that, by the grace of God, I can help at least some.
Each time I treat others with respect and dignity, each time I pronounce an encouraging word, every time I give the best of me to those I encounter on my path, I'll be spreading love, and joy and cheer and hope. The words of the Master and Savior, the Author of love, come to my mind: "
The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'-Matthew 25:40. —Love me tender, my child. Love me tender... —I hear him reply.
So, all I need to do is love Jesus, love him with all my heart, mind and soul! For when I do, I'll see him in each person too: in the children, the young, the adults, the elderly, in the needy, the accomplished, the survivor, the struggling one, the friends and the unfriendly, the caring and the cold, in those who love me, and in those who've wronged me...
May I see Jesus in every person crossing my path today, for only then will I have accomplished the task and learned to love the way you do, dear Jesus, I pray. For then, each day, we'll truly have a happy Valentine's day!